Elise is now 9 months old (out for as long as she was inside) and mastering new skills very quickly now. She can drink from a cup, pull herself up, wave goodbye, has a total of 5 teeth and shake her head from side to side. Everyday is full of amazing discoveries - like how much fun it can be to empty books out of bookcases and rip up toilet paper. Elise and Nova are already partners in crime!
Priya with baby boy Rahee were recently visiting from Brisbane. It was lovely to meet gorgeous little Rahee. Elise's favourite new toy is the kissing dolly which was a present from Priya, Jeetu & Rahee. Elise says "ahhhh!" everytime she sees the dolly then sucks on its nose.
Elise had lots of cuddles recently from her relatives over from W.A. Here is a picture of Elise with great grandma Edmiston.
Sean is very excited about fathers day coming up!!!!