Thursday 1 April 2010

Mark & Dani's Wedding

The wedding of Mark Edmiston and Daniella Russo took place on Saturday 20 March 2010.
It was a ceremony in the grounds of the Upper Reach Winery in the Swan Valley. Held under a gorgeous big old tree - very fitting!. Followed by a most delicious lunch in the winery's cafe. It was a lovely day and we all enjoyed the celebrations.

The girls were very excited about wearing their new dresses and shoes and had been asking me for weeks if they could put them on. They finally got to wear them...see the smiles below...
Here is some video of the girls chasing each other around the tree in the front garden of where we were staying.

Some family pictures before we leave.
The girls and Hugo had the job of throwing petals at the special couple once they were married and walking back down the aisle. Above are some pictures of Elise with her basket of precious petals. (L) Showing Aunty Judy and Aunty Nicole (R) Guarding them with her life waiting for the appointed moment.

(L) Gisele holding a basket (R) Eyeing off my necklace.
(L) The bridal party. (R) Kiss the Bride.
L & R Gisele throws the petals.
(L) Getting ready to throw. (R) Yay there they go!
Dani & Mark looking joyful and relieved!
Don't they look radiant. Dani's dress was perfect for a windy day.
(L) David and his siblings. (R) Some of the Edmiston kids/ grandkids.
(L) Edmistons (R) Siblings with Mark & Dani.

(L) The happy couple (R) Aunty Nicole and Elise.
Paul with Baby Nina- enjoying the wedding.
(L) Sean and Elise survey the cake (yum!) (R) Gisele and Hugo amuse themselves in the corner.
Mark and Dani are off to Borneo for their honeymoon. We wish them all the best for a happy, loving, strong and FUN future together.

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