Monday 31 December 2007

Christmas 2007

Christmas Day for us this year was spent in Sydney with the Edmistons. Natalie, Brett and the boys were down from Newcastle. Nicole was back from Perth and Paul and Jodie were staying in Sydney this year. Mark was in Sydney a few days before Christmas so we had dinner with him before he went back to Townsville.
Elise loves watching and being with her cousins. Her favourite thing is playing with Nana's door stop (who needs presents!) It was a cold day for us this year -only 19 degrees.

1. Kate, Elise & the door stop 2. Elise and Nana

3. Sean & Elise on the trampoline 4. Opening presents

5. Aunty Jodie, Reuben & Otis
6. Our Christmas Angel 7. Aunty Nicole opening presents

Just after Christmas all the Bannons arrived in Sydney for a post chrissy celebration. We had a fish and chips picnic in the park in Cabarita on Sat. On Sun we went into the city for lunch which included a stop at the Lindt chocolate cafe at Cockle Bay (YUM!) It has been a while since we were all in the one place together and we had a lovely time. Toby is chatting away now and has grown so tall and cute and gave us all lots of cuddles.
1. Out to lunch altogether 2. Megan & Mum
3. Megsy & Mick 4. Ang & Micky
5. Toby flashing his bellybutton 6. Elise & Toby
Hope everyone enjoyed their own Christmas festivties- ate to their hearts content and more and had time for lots of Nana naps!!
HAPPY NEW YEAR to all. Hope 2008 is full of moments of amazement and wonder for all....

Monday 10 December 2007

Walking Girl

Our Mothers Group had a 1st B'day party for all our babies on the weekend. Our babies were born over Oct, Nov & Dec 2006. This was the first time the dads had met up together as well. It was great fun afternoon - lots of play on the swings, slide, cubbyhouse and mini truck!

2. Our little fam Dec 07 3. Playing cubby peekaboo with Briella.

4. On her new bike 5. Loves being pushed around!
Elise started walking this week - very cute. She is wobbling around and landing on her bottom a lot. All the Bannon family are visiting us in Sydney just after Christmas so they will be excited to have Elise toddle up to them!

Wednesday 28 November 2007

Happy Birthday Elise

We celebrated Elise's 1st B'day at home over the weekend and the fact that mum Kate and dad Sean have survived their 1st year of parenthood and 2nd year of marriage!

1. Michelle & Elise 2. Happy B'day to you....
Mum Kate made a ladybug cake. It only took 3 attempts but she finally got there!!

3. Ladybug masterpiece 4. Leonie, Drago & Adam
5. Daddy, Elise, Otis, Reuben & Nat 6. Robyn, Alex, Mich & Tim.
7. Jodie, Paul & Sean 8. Adrian, Grandma & June

9. Elise showing Nana her presents. 10. Elizabeth & Joseph with the cake.
11. Proud dad with Elise.
Elise had a lovely time with all her family and friends and received many, many beautiful presents. Thank you to all for coming along and for your love and support over the past year.

Friday 2 November 2007

Our Family Holiday

1. How do you get the sand off? 2. Beach babe

3. Helping daddy read the paper.
4. The girls 5. Daddy, bubby & doggy
We packed up and headed off on our 1st family holiday- Nova and all. We found some pet friendly houses via We went to Callala Beach at Jervis Bay for 4 nights. The weather was a bit drizzly and overcast but there were clear patches so we could take walks along the beach.
Elise loved waving at the waves and playing with the sand (would love to eat it if she could). Nova behaved as if she owned the beach barking at anyone who walked along her beach. Sean went into work withdrawl and held onto his blackberry with all his might....
Then it was mummy's crazy idea to head off somewhere else for 4 nights (she can't quite bring ourselves to stay in the one spot for an entire week yet). We went up north to Pacific Palms. We stayed at Blueys Beach - very pretty area with lots of lakes. We had a spot across the road from the shops and cafes.
6.Elise's 1st ride on a slide 7. Playing in the park

8. Getting the giggles 9. More playing in the park
10. Elise loves her toes/feet
Elise turned 11 months old while we were away. She is getting more and more expressive with screwing her nose up when she is grinning and nodding or shaking her head in answer to our questions. She also started cruising around the furniture and enjoyed the different environments to explore. Not long now until her 1st birthday. YEAH!!!

Sunday 14 October 2007

School Holidays

Elise has had lots of fun hanging out with other babies/kids over the past few weeks. Here is a picture of her with the Clarke & Lucas kids on a picnic at the Botanical Gardens.
Elise had a great time entertaining Alethia, Kiara & Enya O'Neil at the jazz afternoon at Cammeray.

Elise and baby Adam Fehir met up again recently. Isn't he a cutie!
Elise freaked her mum out the other morning. Mum left Elise on the kitchen floor while she went up the stairs to wipe the dining table. Next thing mum turns around to find Elise sitting on the floor next to the dining table. Elise had travelled up the stairs all by herself.....without having shown much interest in the stairs before that. No stopping her now!
We are off on our 1st family holiday on the 24th Oct down to Jervis Bay on the South Coast for a few days then up to Blueys Beach near Forster. Nova is coming too as we are able to rent some dog friendly holiday houses. We'll be sure to post some pictures on our return.
Big count down now until Elise's 1st birthday..........only 6 weeks to go!!!
Congratulations to cousin Adrian on his engagement to June. Very exciting news!

Monday 1 October 2007

10 months old

We enjoyed catching up with some more out of towners visiting Sydney this week - Aunty Meggy from Ballina and the Clarkes from Sawtell. Aunty Meggy was training for her new job with the Commonwealth Bank so Kate had a fun time hanging out with her sister having dinner and going shopping (Big girl stuff!) The Clarkes are here on school holidays so it was great to see all the kids.

At 10 months old, Elise is clapping her hands and waving goodbye and hello at every opportunity. She is getting stronger with standing and is pulling herself up onto everything. The tongue is out when she is concentrating hard - a trait from both sides of the family.

Monday 17 September 2007

Catching up with Aunties and Uncles

Aunty Byna & Uncle Bernard Thompson were visiting from Dubbo over the weekend. It was a good excuse for the Jaques side of the family to catch up over lunch. Sean, Kate and Elise met Aunty Thelly-Belle, Aunty Gwen, Cousin Adrian, June, Aunty Byna and Uncle Bernard in Ashfield.
Kate and Elise with Aunty Thelly-Belle.

Elise having a cuddle with Uncle Bernard and Aunty Byna.

Elise was quite taken with June & enjoyed cuddling Adie

More cuddles with Aunty Gwen & Aunty Byna.

Nana and Grandad Edmiston have taken off today for a month long holiday overseas - the lucky ducks!! Off to Italy, France and Spain - (ohhhh big sigh from Kate) How lovely it would be to be there this time of year!!
We are excited because Aunty Meggy is coming to Sydney soon for a week or so. Meg is finally free from Subway and has launched a new career in banking. She is more than ready to embrace the 9-5 lifestyle! We are very happy for her - can't wait also to see the new house!