Sunday 29 April 2007

Family Faces

has had a very sociable month meeting some relations for the first time and also visiting other relations in Ballina.
Elise recently met 3 of her great grandparents visiting Sydney from WA. This was such a special time seeing the generations together!

also had her very first plane trip (love those $49 jetstar specials) to visit grandma Bannon and Alan in their new home in
Ballina as well as Aunty Megan and Uncle Nigel. Grandma and Alan are enjoying their new coastal lifestyle after moving from a sweltering Dubbo summer and now Meg and Nige are house-hunting in the area too.

Lessons learnt for mum Kate and dad Sean is never to fly home in cranky hour again as we became "the parents on the plane with the screaming baby who would not stop crying" ....Honesty people looked at us like we had 3 heads. Oh well these are part of the memorable experiences of parenthood and we all survived.

is now 5 months old and she is now rolling over, recognising her name and has started laughing a lot (so cute to see a sense of humour develop!)

We have decided a blog of the Edmiston E(lise)S(ean)K(ate)apades is the way to go.. easier to update than our website so we will enjoy writing a blog now on a more regular basis.