Monday 13 October 2008

Delightful Spring.

Gisele Abbie Our bubby is now 3 months old and is growing beautifully. She is rolling on to her side now and chatting away.

I am starting to feel a whole lot more energy than I have for a while. That combined with the lovely spring weather makes me feel a whole lot more sociable. At the start of the school holidays I caught the ferry with the girls into the city and met Sean for an afternoon at the aquarium. Elise was fascinated with the shark's teeth.

Nova has even had a spring cut in preparation for summer.

The Adlingtons were visiting from Newcastle during the holidays so the girls got to play with some of their boy cousins! We also caught up with the Sparrows plus Adrian, June & Aunty Gwen.

Elise with Declan, Hugh & Maeve Sparrow.

Elise & Gisele with Joseph and Elizabeth Atkins.
We recently got a swing from Robyn's sister and a cubby house delivered from the Atkins. We are spending a lot of time enjoying the backyard and the nearby parks.

Elise in the cubbyhouse and waving at the door.

Elise makes sure Gisele has her tummy time. Elise at the park.

Just 6 weeks until Elise's 2nd birthday. Hard to believe we will have a 2 year old on our hands. We are heading up to Ballina in a few weeks to see Aunty Meg & Uncle Nige.