Tuesday 14 December 2010

Elise's last day at preschool for 2010

Gisele and I went to a morning tea at Elise's preschool today for the christmas party. We had a lovely surprise with an invitation to join their music time and the kids were singing and showing us all they have learnt.
Here is some video of Elise joining in the song "I'm a Little Firefly"

The preschool sent home a CD of photos of Elise at play during the year. They are very sweet and capture the action. I had to share some of them...

1. Singing at the disco 2. Girls on the slippery dip

3. Look what I made 4. Playing Hairdressers

5. Some felt fun 6. Playing the drums

7. A wonderful creature 8. I made a cake

9. Patting the special visiting mouse 10. Moulding clay
11. Here is my painting 12. Her name and a drawing of herself.

Elise has loved her 1st year (apart from the rough few 1st couple of weeks) She has learnt so much. I felt teary today as she said goodbye to some of her friends going off to big school and to some teachers who won't be there next year. I can only imagine how teary I will be at the end of next year and then in 2012 when she starts school!!

It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

A busy time of year with lots of festivities. We are enjoying meeting up with people we haven't seen in a while. We had some friends over for brunch recently with the growing bunch of little ones - the youngest Bethany only a few weeks old. Elise and Gisele were bursting for her to wake up so they could have a nurse. Elise is with Alex and Bethany in the picture below.
The girls are not too fond of a live Santa in a shopping centre but they love this mechanical dancing Santa at the fruit shop at Meadowbank (below left) and I get requests to visit him often.

Below is a video of Gisele dancing with mechanical Santa. Every now again she breaks into freestyle then goes back to dancing with Santa again. I have to drag her away she LOVES it!

Below is some pictures of the girls playing cars with Nina for Edmiston christmas we had last Sunday. Nina is walking now and they had a lovely time chasing each other around.
We wish everyone a wonderful festive season! Hope Santa is kind to you. Safe travels and relaxing sleep ins over the holiday period. Looking forward to reduced traffic and less hectic lifestyle over Janurary.

Monday 29 November 2010

Elise's 4th Birthday

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Above is a thank you for Elise's birthday with a slideshow of some photos of some of the games and her cake. Can't believe she is so grown up! Elise had a wonderful time. She has been telling everyone for so long about her birthday and turning 4, she was so excited. Thank you so much for the presents and the well wishes.
Tonight at dinner she said "mum, for my 6 birthday..." She knows she can have a party again when she is 6. Of course we had a great time too but Sean and I need a while to recover!

She got a new bike for her birthday- Tinkerbell, of course and loves riding it to the dog park. We also made her a special fairy garden and she and Gisele go and have a chat to Clarabel (named by Elise) and her friends - so cute!
We have to share a funny photo with you. While I was at the fair trade market yesterday at Manly, Sean was looking after the girls for the day. He couldn't find Gisele. He was looking around the house and calling out to her with no answer. Eventually he spotted her in the kitchen , grinning and very amused with herself, perched up on the side cabinet holding the vase of flowers like an ornament. What a funny chicken!!
Hard to believe it is almost December. I have been super busy with Every Little Girl. It is a peak time for fair trade markets as well as all the fun of pre-christmas catch ups!
Megsy, Nate and Nige are coming to Sydney for christmas so we are looking forward to having them stay with us. Gisele told Meg on the phone today that she and Nate can eat rice cakes when they come to stay....mmm yum yum!

Family Photo

Here are the recent family photos we had taken at Elise's preschool. The girls look very sweet. So rare to get them looking and smiling together.

Nova came along for a photo too- impossible to get her to smile?!
How fast they grow *sigh*!

Saturday 30 October 2010

Long time between posts

I haven't blogged for a while as Sean and I have been very busy setting up our online store. A labour of love that has taken a while but been a very enjoyable process. http://www.everylittlegirl.com
Here is a picture of the girls below modelling the felt necklaces for me. These necklaces have been popular and I am sure it is because the girls modelled them so well!!

The local fetes and festivals have been a treat. Getting into the spring spirit. Here is Gisele patting a bunny rabbit with her friend Madeline (looking the otherway) and here is Elise in the kid's ferris wheel. She's a brave girl!
In September we went up to Lake Macquarie for the afternoon to see Natalie, Otis, Reuben and Hugo. We met at Murrays Beach which was a lovely spot and we had a lovely time. Here are the kids wetting their feet.

At the start of the school holidays the girls and I went to Dubbo for a few celebrations. Uncle Mick's birthday. Hip Hip Hooray says Archie. The kids love a birthday cake - don't we all!

Here is everyone at the restaurant for Mick's birthday dinner just before Gisele's memorable big BURP that went everywhere....well we won't talk about that anymore....
It was Aunty Byna's 70th in September in Dubbo so the girls amd I were there for her special afternoon tea.

Little Archie is keen for the hip hip hooray again in this picture!
Sean has been to the USA and back again. Sailing season has started but he hasn't had too much of a sail as yet as there always seems to be something happening. http://www.everylittlegirl.com
Can't believe it is the end of October. I realised I had hardly taken any pictures of the girls this month because I had been so busy. On the countdown to Elise's birthday and christmas now! We plan to stay in Sydney for christmas this year and we will head to Canberra after christmas for the national sailing championship.

Sunday 19 September 2010


Grandma and Great Grandma Agnes Edmiston sadly passed away this week. Sean will be going over to Perth in the coming week to join the family in celebrating her life. A grand life of 88 years!
Here are some photos of her over the last few years.
Below are some pictures of Grandma at our wedding.

Below are some photos with baby Elise at 5 months and 9 months old.

Some with the family

Then there are some photos of their visit to Sydney when Hugo & Gisele were babies.

Here is Gisele content being held by Grandma.

With the Edmiston great grandkids, then some grandkids as well.
Last of all pictures of us together at the baby shower on our trip to Perth this year.
We are thinking of Grandad and all the Edmiston family. Sean says " May angels wings carry you home grandma.....all our love"